Am Freitag, den 04. Jänner startete bei START-Salzburg eine neue Bildungsreihe. In regelmäßigen Abständen bietet Englischlehrerin Viktoria Conversation-Kurse an, in denen die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten zum Kommunizieren angeregt werden.
Durch eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Übungen wird der Kurs inhaltlich aufgelockert und die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen erhalten die Möglichkeit, in Kleingruppen und in Partnerarbeit ihre Speaking-Skills zu vertiefen.
Die Termine finden in abwechselnder Folge online und in Präsenz statt.
Wir baten den Stipendiaten Ahmad und die Stipendiatin Rasia um ein kurzes Statement zum ersten Conversation-Termin:
„I want to thank you all for organizing this workshop for us. I have experienced some new things such as learning new vocabulary and more important having a conversation, which helped me to improve my language skills and etc. It was a bit complicated because we couldn’t meet face to face due to the current situation. But eventually I enjoyed it.“ – Ahmad
„The English course with Viktoria was very innovative and varied. At the beginning we were allowed to introduce ourselves with two favorite things that begin with the first letter of our name. After that, we were divided into groups and given different tasks, which mainly served to talk. One of the tasks that I really enjoyed was the role-play with our partner. Thank you for the interesting course.“ – Rasia