Beim gestrigen und heutigen Workshop begleitete unsere Englisch-Trainerin Viktoria den Salzburger Stipendiat:innen bei dem Schreibwerkstatt mit Fokus auf Report und Essays. Sie erfuhren über die Struktur, lernten über verschiedene Schreibstile von diesen Textsorten und bekamen eine Liste von Phrasen, die beim Schreiben hilfreich sind. (Thanks, Viktoria)
Das sagen die Stipendiatinnen dazu:
Workshoptag 1
Wafa: „The report writing workshop in English was such a blast! We started by tossing around ideas, then teamed up to transform a blog into a well-structured report. It wasn’t just educational; it was genuinely enjoyable. I picked up some great tips on crafting reports, and honestly, I can’t wait for the next one.“
Ranem: „I really enjoyed today’s workshop. I could understand what I have to do and I have learned a lot of new things. The course was very well structured!“
Masooma: „The English Writing workshop with Viktoria focused on the essential skill of composing reports, equipping attendees with techniques and insights to effectively structure and present information in an impactful manner. Like always, it was a very good workshop and we learned a lot!“
Workshoptag 2
Masooma: „The English Writing workshop on Friday 5.1.2024 was as good as the day before. This time we focused at writing an essay. We learned how the structure of an essay looks like. In addition we did some brain storming activities which were very helpful. Moreover we practiced how to write a good paragraph because if you can write a good paragraph then you can write a good essay!“
Neli: „On Friday,the 5th January, we had an English Workshop about writing Paragraphs and Essays. I found the whole workshop really helpful,fun and useful. We discussed different questions, practised our english speaking and wrote a lot of texts. We also had fun by doing some exercises from time to time. I really enjoyed it.“
Ranem: „Today we learned about the essay. I liked how we started the course. And how we gained information during the time. I know now I’m well prepared if we have to write such an essay in school.“
Mustafa: „Der English Writing Workshop, der am 05.01.2024 stattgefunden hat, war für mich sehr hilfreich und informativ. Es ist immer wieder gut solche Workshops zu machen um das eigene Wissen nicht zu vernachlässigen. Man lernt sehr viel. Ich empfehle es an allen die Möglichkeit zu nutzen an solche Workshops teilzunehmen. Es ist auf jeden fall nicht sinnlos.“